It went up like a dream. It only took us about 15 minutes. Judy came by to help and that's probably why we got done faster. I cannot believe the amount of space this puppy has. Wow !
Next we started on Tent #2...
We were almost done with Tent #2 when we discovered an issue. The brackets (or hubs) that attach the legs to the tent on one side were wrong !! All wrong !! So we studied the the tent to make sure we hadn't assembled it wrong, but it wasn't us. The tent had the wrong brackets. So we pulled out Tent #3 (same as Tent #2) to inspect its parts. It had everything it was supposed to have. That's when we realized we were going to have to contact the manufacturer for replacement parts.
After checking online and finding nothing, I knew I was going to have to call. I called this morning and was amazed by their customer service. The rep knew the product and pulled up the parts we needed instantly. I ordered my parts ($4.50 each), selected 2-day delivery and I just got the e-mail stating my order has been shipped.
So here's what I learned...
#1. We need about 20 minutes to set up each tent.
#2. Two people can do it, but three is better.
#3. They come down easier than they go up. lol
#4. I (heart) the company that makes Northwest Territory tents.
I am really looking forward to reading about your camping trip. Congrats on embracing the outdoors! I'll be following up to see how it goes.